Junketsu no Maria 07

Party hearty, Maria fans.

Episode 08 is on schedule to be released this week. Hopefully next week we’ll be on time. This show requires a ridiculous amount of TLC and it’s wearing our TLC thin, especially since he’s doing two shows. Please be patient with us.

Like Maria, we’re still looking for that special someone. We’re in need of Translators and Translation checkers, Editors and Quality Checkers, Typesetters and KFXers. If any of these positions appeal to you, head over to our recruitment page to get started.

Once again the producers have been kind enough to provide some historical notes on the show’s homepage (Google translated).

Sign of the horns (Release pic): In many Mediterranean and Latin countries, when directed towards someone and swiveled back and forth, the sign implies cuckoldry.

Barber surgeon: The barber surgeon was one of the most common medical practitioners of medieval Europe – generally charged with looking after soldiers during or after a battle. In this era, surgery was not generally conducted by physicians, but by barbers (who of course had a sharp-bladed razor as an indispensable tool of their profession). In the Middle Ages in Europe barbers would be expected to do anything from cutting hair to amputating limbs

The Gauls: the Gauls were Celtic peoples inhabiting Gaul in the Iron Age and the Roman period.

La Velue: a supposed dragon or mythical beast that terrorized La Ferté-Bernard, France, in medieval times. It is said to have come from and lived near the Huisne river near the town. Despite the French origins, its more recognized name is Occitan —or any latine origin— for “hairy”. Depending on the account, it had either an ox-sized porcupine-like body or a mess of green hair-like projections hanging from its body that were actually stinger-tipped tentacles which could erect into quills. Its name is derived from this shaggy appearance. Consistently, it was said to have these poisonous stingers that it could also shoot off its body, a snake’s scaly neck, head, and tail, large, tortoise-like feet, and a green color.

Moor: For the Muslims that invaded Europe during the Middle Ages. Also used as derogatory against those of ancestry where the Moors settled (Spain, Sicily) – they are “part Moor”.

Failed Japanese biblical reference: This verse is referenced in the episode as David’s attempt at ruling justly… That’s not what the verse is about. Feel free to read it yourself. Essentially, either Satan or God (there is controversy over which, based on translation) convinced David to enlist the men of his country and then count his troops. This apparently made God angry. No clue how or why the studio thinks this would be related.